Xanthe From Belgium: Meet The Winner 2017

Name: Xanthe Peeters Dedapper
Star sign: Libra
Hometown: Koningshooikt, Belgium
Follow me: @xanthededapper

Apart from winning, what has been the best moment so far?
The train trips together with Han where always really nice. We loved talking about our future in the modelling world.

What’s your favourite….
Song: Brother by Matt Corby
Sport: Tumbling
Film: The Intouchables (2012)
Food: Sushi
Chocolate: Dark
Fashion icon: Nella Roz
Current obsession: Travelling

Choose one….
Pizza or Ibiza? Ibiza
Disco or punk? Disco
Yoga or boxing? Yoga
Leather shorts or demin cutoffs? Leather shorts
Las Vegas or Los Angeles? Los angeles
Snapchat or Instagram? Instagram
Cowboy or alien? Cowboy
Matching tattoos or tea for two? Tea for two
DJ or PJs? DJ
Personal chef or personal trainer? Personal trainer
Puma or Adidas? Adidas
Hot fudge or melted caramel? Melted caramel