Stephen From Nigeria: Meet The Winner 2017

What has been the best moment of Elite Model Look so far?
Being accepted for who I am.

What’s your favourite….
Music: Afro pop and trap
Animal: Dog
Disney villain: Hades from Hercules
Sport: Basketball and tennis
Vacation destination: New York
Quote: “You are all you’ve got, give it your best”
Food: Indomie or plantain
Who is your fashion icon: Tyson Beckford
Hero or heroine: My mom and dad

Choose one….
Beach or pool? Beach
Morning or evening? Morning
Pizza or Ibiza? Pizza
Yoga or boxing? Yoga
Leather shorts or demin cutoffs? Leather shorts
Las Vegas or Los Angeles? Las Vegas
Snapchat or Instagram? Instagram! I was scouted on Instagram.
Cowboy or alien? Cowboy
Personal chef or personal trainer? Personal trainer
Puma or Adidas? Both!
Snakes or sharks? Sharks