Renée From The Netherlands: Meet The Winner 2017

How did you hear about Elite Model Look?
I heard about the competition from my sister. It was amazing to be at the semi-final with her

What’s your favourite….
Animal: cat
Disney villain: Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians
Colour: Green
Sport: Handball
Singer: Adele
Vacation destination: Italy
Quote: Enjoy the little things
Food: Guacamole with chicken and French bread
Emoji? Red heart
Chocolate: Milk
Fashion icon: Anna Nooshin

Choose one….
Puma or Adidas? Adidas
Snakes or sharks? Sharks
Motorbike or magic carpet? Magic carpet
Hot fudge or melted caramel? Hot fudge
Cupcake or donut? Cupcake
Beach or pool? Beach
Personal chef or personal trainer? Personal trainer
Paper or plastic? Paper
Morning or evening? Evening
Disco or punk? Disco
Prince or frog? Prince
Las Vegas or Los Angeles? Los Angeles
Sports car or SUV? SUV