Nathalie From Switzerland: Meet The Winner 2017

Full name: Nathalie Jäggi
Starsign: Capricorn
Hometown: Solothurn, Switzerland
Follow me: @nathaliejaeggi

What’s your favourite….
Song: “Love on the Brain” by Rihanna
Animal: dogs
Sport: dancing
Singer: Gnash
Vacation destination: Nice, France
Quote: "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says i'm possible!" - Coco Chanel
Film: Mulan (United States, 1998)
Emoji: the dark moon face
Fashion icon: Rihanna
Heroine: my mom
Current obsession: anime

How did you hear about Elite Model Look?
My aunt told me about it. I loved the Swiss final and the group shooting with the finalists

Choose one….
Leather shorts or demin cutoffs? Demin cutoffs
Las Vegas or Los Angeles? Los Angeles
Snapchat or Instagram? Snapchat
Sports car or SUV? Sports car
Cowboy or alien? Alien!
DJ or PJs? PJs
Puma or Adidas? Adidas
Motorbike or magic carpet? Magic carpet
Hot fudge or melted caramel? Melted caramel
Yoga or boxing? Boxing