Nana From Ukraine: Meet The Winner 2017

Choose one….
Cowboy or alien? Cowboy
Matching tattoos or tea for two? Tea for two
Personal chef or personal trainer? Trainer
Motorbike or magic carpet? Magic carpet
Hot fudge or melted caramel? Melted caramel
Beach or pool? Pool
Morning or evening? Morning
Yoga or boxing? Yoga
Sports car or SUV? Sports car

What’s your favourite….
Animal: Horse
Colour: Green
Sport: Horseback riding
Song: "Sound the Bugle" from the film Spirit
Vacation destination: A stable next to forest somewhere
Film: Ruffian (United States, 2007)
Food: Fruits
Emoji: :-)
Chocolate: Milk
Fashion icon: Alla Kostromichova
Hero: Harry Potter
Current obsession: Horses