Mihail From Russia: Meet The Winner 2017

What has been the best moment of Elite Model Look so far?
Being invited to take part!

What’s your favourite….
Animal: Bear
Colour: Black
Sport: Athletics
Band: Grand Blanc
Vacation destination: Anywhere with a beach!
Quote: Fall seven times, stand up eight
Film: Looper (2012)
Food: Caesar salad
Chocolate: All of them!
Who is your hero/heroine: Robin Hood

Choose one….
Pizza or Ibiza? Ibiza
Disco or punk? Disco
Yoga or boxing? Boxing
Prince or frog? Frog
Las Vegas or Los Angeles? Las Vegas
Personal chef or personal trainer? Personal chef
Paper or plastic? Plastic
Puma or Adidas? Adidas
Snakes or sharks? Snakes
Cupcake or donut? Donut