Maria Palm Stars In Movie "the Model"

Photo © Carole Bethuel / Zentropa Entertainments
Tell us about being part of a movie.
It was very exciting. It has been so much fun to have the opportunity to express yourself creatively and be a part of the creative process, which movie-making is. It has truly been an amazing experience, but also a very challenging one.

What were the best experiences?
That must be the adrenalin I got from all the crazy/wild scenes we did. For example, when my co-actor Charlotte and I had to fight for one of the scenes. That is definitely a day which has stayed clear in my memory! Otherwise, my favorite moments were definitely working with the amazing crew and co-actors I had.

Photo © Carole Bethuel / Zentropa Entertainments
Have you ever had any experience with acting since you became an Elite model?
No this was my first role ever. I was at a casting with the film director when I was at a job in New York. I had never thought about acting beforehand, so it actually came as a surprise to me when I ended up doing the casting.

Photo © Carole Bethuel / Zentropa Entertainments
Do you think that the movie manages to reflect a model’s life as it is in reality?
Personally, I would not say that the movie reflects the typical model experience, although having said that, I am sure that some models might have found themselves in similar situations as the ones shown in the movie!

Photo © Carole Bethuel / Zentropa Entertainments
Do you think you can draw parallels between being a fashion model and actor?
Obviously, they are two different worlds, but I could use some of my modelling experience when I needed to get into character and create this other person based on myself and make it a credible personality for the audience as well.
What do you think has been the most challenging part of being a part of a movie production?
Definitely being in the spotlight and focused all day, non-stop from morning to evening. Everybody works really hard so it was just as important for me to do my utmost all the time, which sometimes felt hard. Acting is really intense because you have to be 100% focused, so it is hard to manage you personal life during such an intense period.

Photo © Carole Bethuel / Zentropa Entertainments
Is it weird to see yourself in a movie, or are you use to the exposure from modelling?
It is a very different way to see yourself, and to be honest, it’s not a way I will ever be completely comfortable with! It is very overwhelming to see yourself that way and very hard to consider the movie in an objective way since you have so many memories behind the camera, where the audience only sees a fragment of all the hard work that goes into producing the movie. But it was an amazing opportunity and something I wouldn’t turn down in future!

Photo © Carole Bethuel / Zentropa Entertainments
What model tips did you learn from your experience with the movie?
It has encouraged me to be more creative and loosen up so that I do not feel the need to hold myself back. But most of all, it has given me the opportunity to show and explore my creative side, my character, my movement and my personality. The reaction has been absolutely amazing. Everybody has been very supportive and encouraging, more than I could ever have asked for.