Kiana From Reunion: Meet The Winner 2017

Full name: Kiana Bedeau
Star sign: Virgo
Hometown: Le Tampon, Reunion
Follow me: @kianabedeauemlreunion2017

Apart from winning, what has been the best moment so far?
For me, it was the bootcamp!

What’s your favourite….
Song: Believer by Imagine Dragons
Colour: Purple and pink
Singer: Rihanna
Vacation destination: Mexico
Quote: “Qui me tent rien n’a rien” – nothing ventured, nothing gained
Film: Taken (2008)
Emoji: Upside down smiley
Chocolate: Milk
Fashion icon: Tyra Banks
Heroine: My mother
Current obsession: Elite Model Look!

Choose one….
Leather shorts or demin cutoffs? Leather shorts
Las Vegas or Los Angeles? LA
Sports car or SUV? Sports car
Cowboy or alien? Cowboy
Matching tattoos or tea for two? Matching tattoos
Yoga or boxing? Boxing
Prince or frog? Frog
Paper or plastic? Paper
Puma or Adidas? Puma
Snakes or sharks? Snakes
Motorbike or magic carpet? Magic carpet
Cupcake or donut? Donut