How To Throw The Ultimate Party With Nadine Ammeraal
Nadine Ammeraal participated in Elite Model Look in 2013, and is now a model with the worldwide Elite network. She loves to plan parties - here are some of her favourite tips.

Who to invite
First, think about who you want to invite – that’s the most important. How many people? If you want to invite a lot of people, you might need a bigger place, but for a small group, maybe you can do it at home. Friends, family, or a mix? I had a big midwinter party last year, and it was a big success, and we invited everyone – we thought it was better than a series of mini parties. And it was really fun! Don’t be scared to mix social groups – everyone will make new friends.

What to eat and drink
My mom loves making pies and cakes, but sometimes there is way too much left over! I prefer to be realistic. If you know people who are coming who like to eat healthy, have humous and vegetables or something like that. You don’t want to spend all your time at the party doing the cooking, so prep something and let people help themselves. For drinks, there is no point in having a long list of different types – instead, have a few options and just have plenty of it. And make the most of the deals at the supermarket!

What to wear
Wear something you love, but you can feel comfortable in. I love wearing glitter at parties, I wear it in summer or in winter. Like last winter, I wore a glittery dress with long sleeves, and in summer, I wore a glitter jumpsuit. If we ever have a Hallowe’en costume party, I’ll have to think of something new. I probably won’t dress up as something ugly – or maybe I will just go for it! We used to celebrate Hallowe’en when we were kids, our parents would take it in turns with our friends’ parents to throw us parties, and we’d have a treasure hunt in the dark! We were so scared! Normally I don’t have a dress code, Once, I had a birthday party where everyone had to wear pink, it was super fun. But otherwise, I think people just do whatever they want.

How to decorate
That’s my favourite part! You can have lots of fun with how the party looks. In my winter party, it was cold, but we had a lot of guests, but we had the doors open, and we had a big tent outdoors, and we had lots of candles, lights, lanterns, it was really cosy. We had blankets and pillows, we had the miseltoe hanging – and there were people kissing under it! We had a photo booth, a Christmas tree outside and one inside. My house is not big but it’s about using the space to the best way you can. In summer, we had flamingos, flags, with shells and beach things. We had a bottle and we asked the guests to write messages and put them into a bottle – after, we read them, they were so nice, all about friendships.

What to listen to
Having good music is so important! At my parties, my sister’s boyfriend likes to DJ, and he is really good. He starts off with chill music at the beginning, but then by the end he plays something fun and everyone is dancing. It’s cool to see your friends dancing with your aunties, everyone together! I’m the youngest in my family, I have two older sisters, and my parents love having fun and organising things with us and our friends. I also think as a host, it’s important to relax and know you might not talk to everyone. I try to say hello at least, but as long as people are having fun, it’s ok. Sometimes, you get so busy, but I’m so happy that everyone’s having a good time.

How to survive the next day
People always help to clear up! Of course, no one looks forward to cleaning up, but it’s not too hard when you work together. My sisters’ friends stayed over at my last party, and they helped us – when I stay with my friends, I make sure I help too. You made the mess, so you don’t mind helping!