How To Model: Agents' Top Tips
Being a top model takes more than looks - the best of the best approach the industry as professionals. We asked the model agents at Elite London for their advice on how to be a successful model.

How do I look my best as a model?
Modelling is a full-time job, and it is very important to look after yourself with good fitness and nutrition. Models jobs can be very long, which can be physically tiring. Sleeping well, eating nutritious food, drinking plenty of water and exercising regularly with workouts like yoga will help you to stay fit, in both body and mind.

How do I prepare for a photo shoot?
As a model, it’s important to keep in close contact with your booker - they send you all the essential info about your jobs. Read their messages carefully, especially where you are going, and the name of the person or people you will meet. And Google Maps is your best friend! You can use it to research exactly where you’re going, and even what the building looks like.

Do models need to do their own makeup?
In fashion, first impressions count, and it’s important to always arrive well-groomed, with clean hair, with a manicure and pedicure, and no makeup. If you have a job, there will be a makeup artist to do your makeup for you. If you are ever unsure of how to prepare for an appointment, ask your booker!

How do I earn money as a model?
The models who get the most out of their jobs are the ones who approach the job as partners in the business. Make sure you understand the way the model contract works, and for any finance questions, visit the agency’s accounting team. Some models hire their own accountant when they start making a regular income, and invest their earnings wisely.

How do I make a good impression?
Before a shoot, Google the people you’ll be working with - it will go a long way. Clients are always impressed if you know about their brand, and the team will be pleased to know you made an effort. Not only will it help you work better on set, you will be more memorable, making them more likely to request you as model again!

What do I need to bring to a model job?
Agents agreed this kit is essential for any model job:
- Fully charged portable phone charger
- Flesh-coloured underwear
- Passport
- High heels for girls

How do I prepare for travel?
Models can be confirmed at a moment’s notice. Keep a small suitcase packed at home to be ready to jump on a plane as soon as the call comes. And want a pro travel tip? Keep a photo of your passport on your phone, just in case you need it for paperwork!

Can a model take vacation?
Modelling is an unusual career, and you may need to take time out. Be open and honest with your Bookers about booking time for yourself, or friends and family. Never simply switch your phone off - the agents will understand if you need a break!

How do I get booked again?
Two words which go a long way in a business such as fashion, which is built on relationships. They are: “thank you”. The most memorable models are the politest. And in turn, we want to say thank you to each and every one of our models, who make our work such a joy.