Henrike From Germany: Meet The Winner 2017

Full name: Henrike Dietershagen
Star sign: Libra
Hometown: Frankfurt, Germany
Follow me: @henrikedietershagen

What is your favourite…
Song: Unconditionally by Katy Perry
Animal: Dogs – especially puppies!
Colour: Blue
Sport: It’s difficult to decide… I like tennis, dancing, basketball, skiing.
Singer: Taylor Swift
Vacation destination: USA! I want to visit big cities like New York.
Quote: Live every moment, laugh every day, love beyond words
Chocolate: Is this a trick question!? I would have to say milk!
Film: Twilight, but the book is better!

Choose one….
Pizza or Ibiza? Ibiza
Leather shorts or demin cutoffs? Denim cutoffs
Las Vegas or Los Angeles? Los Angeles
Sports car or SUV? SUV… I am too afraid of driving fast
Cowboy or alien? A cowboy looks so tough and strong!
DJ or PJs? DJ – I love dancing
Motorbike or magic carpet? Magic carpet
Hot fudge or melted caramel? I can’t decide!

How did you hear about Elite Model Look?
I found it on Youtube! I loved my first shoot.