Hakil From Usa: Meet The Winner 2017

What’s your favourite….
Song: No church in the wild by Jay Z and Kanye West
Animal: Alligator
Colour: Olive green
Sport: Basketball
Singer: G Herbo
Vacation destination: Fiji
Quote: “Comfortable in chaos”
Film: Forrest Gump (1994)
Emoji: Money
Fashion icon: James Dean
Hero: My dad
Current obsession: Modelling

Choose one….
Sports car or SUV? Sports car
Cowboy or alien? Cowboy
Matching tattoos or tea for two? Matching tattoos
Puma or Adidas? Adidas
Snakes or sharks? Sharks
Motorbike or magic carpet? Motorbike
Cupcake or donut? Cupcake
Beach or pool? Pool
Disco or punk? Punk
Yoga or boxing? Boxing
Prince or frog? Frog