Corentin From France: Meet The Winner 2017
What's your favourite...
Song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Animal: Tiger
Disney Villain: Hook from Peter Pan
Color: Blue
Sport: Rowing
Band: Queen
Vaction destination: Los Angeles
Quote: “L’union fait la force” – strength is in unity
Food: Snails
Emoji: The one that’s crying and laughing at the same time
Chocolate: Milk
Fashion icon: Nick Bateman
Hero: Wolverine
Obsessed with: Watches

Choose one….
Cowboy or alien? Cowboy
Paper or plastic? Paper
Puma or Adidas? Asics!
Snakes or sharks? Sharks
Motorbike or magic carpet? Magic Carpet
Beach or pool? Beach
Morning or evening? Evening
Pizza or Ibiza? Ibiza
Yoga or boxing? Boxing
Prince or frog? Frog

Tell us about your experience of Elite Model Look so far!
My mum saw that EML was doing a casting in Paris and she told me to try. Apart from winning, the best part was meeting and spending time with the other Finalists.