Arya From India: Meet The Winner 2017

Full name: Arya Shriniwas Bendkhale
Star sign: Aries
Hometown: Goregaon, Raigad, India
Instagram handle: @aryabendkhale6

How did you hear about Elite Model Look?
I saw it on Facebook!

What’s your favourite….
Animal: Rabbit
Sport: Tennis
Singer/band: Adam Levine
Vacation destination: Santorini, Italy
Quote: “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground”
Film: Letters to Juliet (2010)
Chocolate: All types!
Who is your fashion icon: Gigi Hadid

Choose one….
Yoga or boxing? Yoga
Leather shorts or demin cutoffs? Denim cutoff
Las Vegas or Los Angeles? Los Angeles
Snapchat or Instagram? Instagram
Ketchup with fries or catchup with friends? Catchup with Friends
Personal chef or personal trainer? Personal Trainer
Snakes or sharks? Sharks
Motorbike or magic carpet? Magic Carpets
Beach or pool? Beach
Morning or evening? Evening